Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Awareness has never hurt

Hello brothers and sisters
It has been a while since I have updated my blogsite with a new article. The reason is that I have been very busy with other issues and didn't had time to compile my thought and down stream them in to words. But for now, I am linking two very intresting and learning videos with two completely different contents. I think these videos helps to increase awareness about the world we live in and the challenges we have to deal with on day to day basis. These two videos might help us to understand some of the questions which circles our thought some times.

Cornel West: Obama's Response to Trayvon Martin Case Belies Failure to Challenge "New Jim Crow"

Capitalism impasse

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Bolivarian revolution will never stop

             Hugo Hasta la victoria siempre comandante Hugo Chavéz

The brave revolutionarist Hugo Chavéz was

A man of his words. The man who have tirelessly worked for the betterment of those who have been deprived of their citizen right in Venezuela. A man who have raised his voice against the oppressors. A man who always stood by his people. A man who have heavily influenced the whole World in the fight against imperialism and hegemony. A son of the oppressed. The man who fed the poor. The man who gave the opportunities for the first time for those who never had opportunities. The man who have injucted hope into his people. A man who always walked as he has been talked. A man who have stood straight for his idioligy and cause. The man who showed the path of total independency from the hegemonistic capitalists. A man who have written a history !!

R I P Hugo Rafael Chavéz !

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The slave masters are going mad

Monday 21 January 2013, the historical enemies of the nation of Eritrea has staged a virtual coup that has been echoed throughout their lie machines.

First, with regard to the distorted and ill mounted disinformation and psychological warfare we are facing on day to day bases and especially the one with the heavy weight kind that we have witnessed on Monday 2013/01/21, I guess we need to reparametrize our approach to the defamatory corporate steered mass media outlets and its media-mercenaries like Léonard Vincent, Martin Plaut and Dan Conell.

Beside that, we need to tune our compass to better challenge traitors, house-slaves and all their political prostitute lie machine webpages.

Having said that, the need to further strengthen, co-ordinating and better channelizing the website in our disposal by updating them more frequent with timely and accurate information to counter those media-mercenaries and house-slaves has become more clear than ever.
Once this has been done, we will have a better tool to manage enemies politically and intellectually.

No matter how uncle Sam paint his face with make up, no Eritrean will miss that it's still uncle Sam with its ugly face. As the famous singer/song writer Bob Marely has said it, "we know when we understand" and we have understood the issue before even it's cooked and served.

We know becuase we understand which ingredients those political prostitute uses to cook their unpalatable dish that no Eritrean want to taste.

Finally to all  media-mercenaries, house-slaves and your masters, we would like you to know that

We will alway stand up and fight for our right !
We will never kneel down and we will never bow !

 Victory to the masses !
 Awet ne hafash!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vi protesterar mot medias hetskampanj mot svensk-eritreaner

Den besinningslösa hetskampanjen mot svensk-eritreaner och Eritrea, som har pågått ett bra tag och i skrivande stund fortfarande pågår i Sverige, saknar motstycke i svensk mediehistoria. Syftet med denna kampanj kan inte sägas vara annat än att frammana en nidbild av Eritrea – dess folk, kultur, historia och ledare. Det är en bild som inte överensstämmer med verklighetens Eritrea och svensk-eritreaner och som knappast någon känner igen. Det är obegrepligt att svensk medier vinklar, förvränger och gång på gång avviker från fakta och verklighet till förmån för medianyttan och sedan åberopar sina rättigheter som journalister som skydd. Detta är kränkande, nedlåtande och totalt oacceptabelt. Det svenska folket har rätt till en nyanserad, balanserad och objektiv journalistik. De överordnade principerna för professionalism, integritet, saklighet, elementär hövlighet och moralisk hänsyn måste respekteras.

På ett okänsligt sätt, som saknar motstycke, öser svensk media ofta ur sig ensidiga, dåligt underbyggda och ibland rent av påhittade uppgifter om Eritrea och svensk-eritreaner. Många av inslagen har varit direkt ärekränkande och sårande. Media har uppträtt arrogant och gjort sig skyldig till en särbehandling av Eritrea och svensk-eritreaner som de flesta av oss sent kommer att glömma.

Utan att gå närmare in på Eritreas händelserika historia och svåra umbäranden under årtionden av väpnad kamp står landet och dess folk på nytt inför oroande hot mot sin självständighet, suveränitet och territoriella integritet, frågor som svensk media traditionellt sett i bästa fall håller sig neutrala till. Eritrea och dess folk har tidigare vunnit i sin kamp för själständighet och kommer också i framtiden att vinna mot alla odds.

Överväldigande delen av svensk-eritreaner stöder denna pågående kamp och landets strävan att bygga upp ett jämlikt, stabilt och demokratiskt Eritrea. Har svensk media någonsin förstått att eritreaner har, av egen fri vilja, betalat ett ohyggligt pris för dessa värden? Har man förstått att eritreaner är beredda, av egen fri vilja, att offra liv och lem även nu och i framtiden, så länge det behövs?

Det är därför oroväckande att se svensk medier upprepade gånger över lång tid medvetet eller omedvetet trivialisera svensk-eritreaners engagemang i sitt andra hemland genom hänvisning till procentsatser i en ”skatteskala”, en transaktion som hos andra länder och folk väcker beundran. Det är inte svårt att känna sig kränkt.

Vi menar att detta beteende bör bli föremål för en kritisk granskning av såväl svenska folket i allmänhet som enskilda experter och lärda institutioner.

Vi menar också att det är vår lagstadgade rätt att framföra vår talan i mediala och offentliga sammanhang och att kräva att media och institutioner avstår från att driva denna hetskampanj mot vår härkomst, kultur och identitet.

I lika hög grad hävdar vi att våra medborgerliga rättigheter måste respekteras.

Slutligen kräver vi att en offentlig utredning utförs av den riktade negativa mediekampanj som förs mot oss svensk-eritreaner och vårt land.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Madness of the Swedish Media: The Fraudster, The Shoplifter and The Crusader

Last week, Betelhem Dawit and the rest of her family publicly and categorically admonished the objectionable and unsavoury nature of the campaign adopted by several actors for their own political agenda in the Swedish media that has got nothing to do with freeing her father. Instead of getting the message by acknowledging their wrongdoing and respect the views of the closest family of Dawit Issak, this week they continue their madness by outdoing their previous immoral intentions.

One has to wonder about the sanity of the Swedish Media when it comes to their coverage about Eritrea. In one single afternoon they have managed to show the utter contempt and disrespect they have for Eritrea and Eritreans. The Swedish media have managed to conjure an image of Eritrea that can only be described as detached from any kind of reality. It is an ugly concoction of xenophobia, commercial gain and political supremacy that has engulfed the nature of Dawit Issak’s case which personalities in the Swedish media and busybodies have catapulted this case into an international fiefdom. The teenager Betelhem Dawit, speaking on behalf of her family last week, has asked all the actors to stop politicising her father’s case, and the closest family will handle the issue.

Yesterday, Thursday 27th of October at about 16:00 hrs, all four major News-Papers The Expressen, Aftonbladet, Dagen Nyhetter and SvD have posted news about Dawit Issak’s death in various forms. At some time in the afternoon almost all of them seem to be certain that ‘Dawit Issak may be dead’.

A society that claims to believe in an open, fair and free flow of information relies on its media outlets to present balanced and objective journalism to the public. After all these papers are heavily involved in shaping the opinions of the Swedish society and carries a heavy burden to check their news sources carefully and refrain from biased reporting and especially avoid their personal agendas to obscure from independent reporting. All this kind of objectivity has gone out of the window from the Swedish media when it comes to Eritrea.

Any type of cheap, unconfirmed, wild accusation, sensational news, lies, smearing campaign and all sorts of unethical reporting about Eritrea is totally acceptable in Swedish media and they have managed to misrepresent the nation of Eritrea to the public.

The Expressen, AftonBladet and DN have no qualms to report two items of the same news that conflict with each other factually. As long as it can give them a sensational head-line to catch the attention of its readers. Factual and objective journalism does not seem to be the guiding principles. Especially when it comes to speculations and hearsay about sensitive issue of a death of a father with a young family. All three papers where at first stepping over each other to claim that Dawit Issak is Dead (although they leave a lot of room to wriggle out of it legally later), and then after one hour almost all of them have carried news that says ‘heavy criticism against Claims of Dawit’s death’.

If you try to understand why they wrote such an extraordinary headlines; it is very easy to see the reason. A radio conversation between three men who have a long axe to grind with the Eritrean government and people are at the centre of the storm. The radio conversation was between a man that can be only described as a crusader against Eritrea (Lars Adaktussons) was talking to two people who are known in the Eritrean Communities as a Shoplifter (Mehari Abraha) and another person who has been proven Fraudster of funds ( Arhe Hamednaca).

These people have long lost any type of credibility and objectivity by the shear nonstop lies and misinformation they spew wherever they appear in Swedish media.

If the Swedish media have had any respect for the values of Eritrean people and even a respect for Dawit Issak (the person they claim they are working to free) they would understand that such kind of news is held in highest regard and sensitivity in Eritrea’s culture and would not venture in such kind of immoral and uncultured behaviour to score some headlines. That’s why the Eritrean people totally reject those few Eritreans who are willing to smear and destabilise Eritrea for their own narrow agenda. Mehari and Arhe fall squarely in this category.

It is very clear that the rug was pulled from under their feet after last week’s interview of Dawit Issak’s family when the brave daughter told them to stop the dirty campaign run in the name of her father, and this week they are trying to resurrect the dirty campaign by coming up with even more dirty tricks and sensational claims without shred of any tangible evidence. It is madness in Swedish media!

In a more sickening turn of events, we learn that the Chief Editor of the Expressen Thomas Mattson, the top crusader against Eritrea has visited the family house of Dawit Issak to cajole, coerce and bribe the family to continue to support his crusade of bringing down the Eritrean government to its knees. It is utterly distasteful to witness a man who has made his main goal of his paper to increase his sales of paper by making the case of Dawit Issak as one of a global issue by any means possible.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Institutional Lies & Deceit: Swedish Eritreans Demonstrate Against Swedish Media

When lies and deceit are repeated they might sound as if they are true, institutions in their role exist to serve society. Society on the other hand expects intuitions to act in a manner that is ethical, the media as an institution plays a role of mediation between the public sphere and politicians making political communications more effective. It is therefore unacceptable and unethical for any institutional media to create the politics themselves, especially by the means of lies and deceit that enrages communities and society.

These types of unethical practices are a danger to society at large even at an international level; hence the task of holding these institutions accountable shouldn’t only be left to communities that are targeted!

On 7th October 2011 the Swedish-Eritrean communities held a peaceful demonstration in the streets of Stockholm to highlight the continuous unfair treatment of their communities by the Swedish media.

According to EritreaCompass sources Eritreans once again showed their unwavering support to their government and people, amongst the famous placards carried by many demonstrators were "Isaias Afewerki is Us and We are Him", "We Support Our Government", but there was one that particularly focused on 2% tax that Eritreans in the Diaspora contribute to the building of their nation. They carried the message of "My 2% is too little for Eritrea! Just deal with it!"

The Swedish Media over the years has been relentlessly attacking the government and people of Eritrea, and in particular Swedish Eritrean communities. Amongst their many slander and lies were that the government of Eritrea forces Eritreans in the Diaspora to pay 2% tax, which Eritreans not only pay the 2% but also under take various development projects that contribute to the nation building, make regular donations towards Martyrs families, and much more.

Swedish Eritrean communities have for many years worked hard in building a community that is responsible, nonetheless the very institution that is meant to encourage this exemplary noble Endeavour has been in the thick of it trying to dismantle the community setting tensions amongst Swedish Eritreans. Not only that but orchestrated campaigns have also taken place that range from preventing the Swedish-Eritreans from holding a meeting, and even festivals by using their power to coerce and threaten proprietors of assembly Halls, venues as well as attendees.

It gives us great pride to see our brothers and sisters stand up for what they believe. In the name of all peace and justice loving people we call on you to work hard in imposing moral standards on powerful institutions!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hör och häpna, enligt media så bör inte medborgare av ett land betala skatt....NYHETER!!

av Diana Seyoum kl. den 17 september 2011 kl. 21:38
Ursäkta mig! Har människor blivit helt utomordentligt galna, eller!
Jag ser inte det som är fel i att ett land som är i en period av utveckling och behov av rättvisa från omvärlden får en ärlig chans till att bli ett stabilt land på alla fronter gällande infrastruktur, utbildning och ekonomi.

En enkel fråga nu: Är det en medborgares skyldighet att betala skatt?
Svaret är: Ja! Det är medborgarnas skyldighet till att betala skatt.
Nästa fråga: Vilka rättigheter har då medborgarna då de har betalat sin skatt?
Men oj, det lät ju inte alls konstigt. För visst har man rätt till detta i ett så fint I-land som Sverige när man betalar sin skatt som en laglydig medborgare.
Detta kanske bör gälla i alla länder och inte bara i de så kalkade I-länderna med sina västerländska teorier om utveckling och institutionsbildningar.

Kanske, bara kanske kan dessa regler också gälla i de fattigare länderna?!
Har den tanken slagit dig någon gång kanske? eller kanske inte...
Jag menar, vad säger att människorna i det fattiga Afrika inte också tänker på framtiden, utveckling, nästa generation.
Fast, vad vet jag?

Jag är ju bara en Eritrensk tjej på 25 år som är född och uppvuxen i Sverige.
Vad vet jag om moral och principer som inte de genuint västerländska människorna vet. Kanske något i mina gener har gjort så att jag anser att det som gäller i det rika underbara väst också kan gälla i det fattiga syd.
Eritreaner som anser sig själva vara Eritreaner och inte har tagit avstånd från sina gener, hudfärg och kultur ska också ta sina skyldigheter på allvar precis som jag betalar skatt i Sverige betalar jag skatt i Eritrea.
Varför det?!

Varför betalar jag, en student med låga inkomster, skatt till Eritrea?
Jag betalar skatt i Sverige också (och den är betydligt högre!!) så vad är mitt argument till att inte betala till Eritrea som i grund och botten är mitt hemland hur mycket jag än vänder och vrider på det?!
Varför ska jag inte bidra till att Eritrea ska utvecklas till en starkare nation på alla sätt och vis?!

Vi talar inte om pengar i den bemärkelsen att det är sedlar!
Vi talar om pengar som är ett verktyg till möjlighet att införskaffa det som MITT land behöver stöd för att alla barn och ungdomar ska ha möjlighet att slutföra grundskolan, mina sedlar kan stödja arbetet till att kunskapen om HIV/AIDS sprids och att fler skyddar sig vid samlag. Mina sedlar kan vara till stöd till att fler sjukhus byggs så att fler får den vård de behöver.

Att svensk media sprider "nyheter" om att exileritreaner tvingas betalar skatt till Eritrea är ett sådant stort skämt så att jag i detta läge önskar att jag kunde protestera genom att inte betala skatt till den svenska staten och se på konsekvenserna för detta så kan vi gärna diskutera dessa ”nyheter” i media.
Men just det, jag är är faktiskt en laglydig medborgare, i Sverige men givetvis främst i Eritrea!
Om inte annat så är Eritrea i större behov av mina skattepengar än vad Sverige är, icke sant?!
Så, tyck vad ni vill.

Men detta är fakta: Som medborgare av ett land har man vissa skyldigheter och gillar man inte detta. Så förvänta dig inte att få ta del av de rättigheter jag har, jag som faktiskt betalar min del mer än frivilligtl!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The lack of strong and peaceful nation and its impact in Ethiopia

Historically speaking, Ethiopia is an internally fractured society. The landloard and feudalism concepts seem to weigh heavily on the thinking of many Ethiopians.Ethiopia is made up of various communities (language groups, nationalities, etc.)Each community wants to be left alone to run its own affairs.These communities unite in two circumstances:

 a) to fight a common threat, and
 b) when these different communities are united under a powerful force (domestic or foreign).

Each community has a name to identify itself with. If and when the elite of one community succeeds to forcefully combine some or all of the communities and establishes a state, that state is identified as Ethiopia. Power struggle has so far been violent, bloody, and deadly.
Peaceful transition of power has yet to be a norm.That constant and violent struggle for power makes the competitors seek for help from outside and that action invites foreign forces to interfere and influence who comes to power or stays in power.

Ethiopian elites, once in power, tend to stay in power for decades and in the process alienate other communities. They become obstacles to building a modern Ethiopian nation because they continue ethnic/nationality differences by seemingly serving the interests of a single ethnic group( and buy off individuals from other groups) rather than pursuing the interests of Ethiopia as a whole.

Territorially, modern Ethiopia took its current shape during the reign of Emperor Menilik II. Ethio-Eritrea federation was the primary reason for the introduction of parliamentary elections to Ethiopia. Ethiopian political development has been in constant influx eversince. All those who ruled Ethiopia since then depended heavily on the backing of foreign powers. Emperor Haile Selassie depended on USA and Israeli alliance.Israel has foiled six coups (including the one that was led by Mengistu Neway and Girmame Neway) and trained anti-Eritrea commandoes to protect the emperor's regime. Colonel Mengistu heavily depended on the USSR and its sattelites as well as the non-antagonistic attitudes of the USA and Israel. And now, Prime Minister Meles and the Tigrai People's Liberation Front almost totally rely on the assistance of the USA and Israel.This became obvious after the 2005 elections when the USA sided with Meles instead of the victims(i.e. the murdered peaceful demonstrators, detained elected officials, and the Constitution).

Without foreign help the current regime would be hard-pressed to stay in power any longer.
Therefore, building a united modern nation in Ethiopia is a right objective. The issue is nation-building, and needs to be done by the willful cooperation of the various Ethiopian communities. They have to want to build a nation. How is that going to be done? Generally, negotiations. Simple democratic elections are not going to be the answer. It is more than elections. But different options need to be considered. Another important factor is the role of opposition parties as change agents.

The most glaring weakness of the Ethiopian opposition parties is their feudal mentality. Their greatest common factor has so far been their failure to cooperate and form genuine working coalitions. Each wants others to work only according to its proposals. They renege on their agreements. Party leaders could not overcome the temptations of giving primacy to their immediate personal or group intersts, instead of the nation's interests. There is often lack of democracy inside each party in electing leaders or making important decisions. There is also no mechanism of resolving internal conflicts if they arise. The result is infighting, pitched power struggles, splits, divisions, and further disintegration.That is a big cause for setbacks.

Some solutions: have political study groups, train party members in areas of political education, mobilizing and organizing people, leadership, anger management, conflict resolution and negotiations to achieve common goals. These are not all natural qualities. They could be learned. And above all there must be a desire to solve the problems of your community.

Remember, democracy cannot be imposed from outside. Democracy is a means of organizing people make decisions and work separately or together for making their lives better. Keep you focus on making the lives of the Ethiopian people better.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quotation of the month

"Noboby in this world
is rich enough to buy
his/her own PAST.
So enjoy each and every
moment before it
gets beyond reach.
Simle and be happy.
every day is a GOOD DAY"

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Exporting and imposing western domocracy is keeping poor countries in hostage

Our planet earth is a mosaic of different nature, societies, poeple, languages, culturs and more. When we look back to history, most of the time the root cause and generation of wars could be directly linked to the intolerance of a man kind in diversity and differences.

Though the geographical and natural resumption of different poeple in different part of the world had always been different, all societies in the world had more or less shared a commen factor to solve thier differences. Ever since the ancient time soceities had raised againest each other, tribes had been engaged in a traditional wars. In every corner of the planet wars and battles had been fought to rule poeple under one kingdom. To spread one kingdom's political or religious idiologies over another one.

When we try to figur out what all these wars and distractions have in commen, we can clearly relate that the incapability of a man kind to see the differences within humans as a resource rather that as a threat. These kinds of divisive and narrow thinkings are based on fears and mistrust and it shows the very simple but big deficiency of pluralism a human being suffering from.

The impact of superior and selfish thinking of soceities have drawn our planet to the max age of its destruction. Yet we have not learned from those grave mistakes comitted by a man. We are still living in a world which is vertically polarized by race division, political interests but most importantly by establishing unfair totaly unbalanced partnership based on oppressive and bully politics of the west againest developing countries. Though the west can not be held acountable for all those problems and complications we see now in many poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, the west had played a very rouge and dirty games during the colonial and post colonial period and comitted big crime over human beings.

Instead of recognising the wrongs in the past and the very negative impacts it had generated on the poeple and countries which were exposed for those political unjusties and human right abuses, up to these days the countries in west are distancing themselves from the responsibility they should carry through different new colonialism tactics.
Among those new and trendy but well calculated nioliberal tacticies are exporting and imposing western orchesterated democratcy to poor countries. Countries which can barely feed thier population.

From the outside, it may gives us the impression that the west is acting to protect poeple's right for democracy but the agenda is far beyond that and we have seen the west exercising these dangerouse and egoistic politicies based on we and them mentality in Irak, Congo, Bolivia, Chile, Rwanda, Haiti, South Africa... the list can be done very long. While the west is protecting the very rouge and undemocratic states like Saudi Arabia and many other oil rich countries.

Exporting and imposing its democracy which is well defined for the west but may not have any ground pillar due to the norms and structure of the sociaty in those poor countries. As a result we see a great destruction and big turmoil in these countries while the west continue to explore the the tremendous rich natural resource unendagered in the name of democracy.

The time for unilateral and egoistic thinking based and oppressing politicies have come to end. We should respect the differnce and diversity in society and let poeple to take thier faith in thier own hand. The time for mutual understanding based on mutual interest and co-existence has entered the era.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back In Business

Why should I get hurry
Slowly, I'll take the ferry
You will see me on board
After I left my load
I've payed the bill
Here I am now to deal

ደቅ አዳም

ደቅ አዳም ኮይና ኪንነቢር አብ ዓለም
ሓጺር'ዩ ዕድመና አይኮነን ዘልዓለም
ሚዛናዊ ናብራ ቢሒወት ከለና
የድል'ዩ ጻዕሪ ዓቅሊ ምስ ልቦና
ኩሉ ከይርሕቐና ከም ሰማይ ደመና
ፍቕሪ ይሃልወና አብ መንጎ ኩልና
ተፋቒርና ንንበር ሓጺር'ዩ ዕድመ

To see the above script please click on this link and download the software